Wednesday 22 February 2012

British Party: Community Farms

Employing British People on British Farms
Britain’s prosperity depends to an important extent on agriculture. In order for agriculture in Britain to be prosperous, it is necessary for farms to employ local British people for full time and seasonal work, rather than excluding out of principle British people and employing Eastern Europeans.

Community farms should be introduced nationally as part of a campaign to encourage enthusiastic people to learn how to work a garden and grow vegetables, and how to plant and cultivate an orchard. Each county would run its own community farm estates, and these would be distributed within the various districts of the county.

In return for a standard wage, and under the guidance of knowledgeable farmers, people would become acquainted with working the soil, sowing seeds, planting vegetables and fruit trees, and tending to them. They would also take part in the harvest once the crops have ripened.

Finding Work on Farms
The next logical step in this campaign is to encourage local farmers to offer vacant farm work to the members of the community farms residing in their county, offering both full time and seasonal work. As a result, hundreds of thousands of jobs could be created in Britain’s agriculture sector for British people, alleviating the state Treasury of expenses related to unemployment and offering a standard wage to people who otherwise would be forced into dependency on job seekers allowance, which in the UK is currently £67 a week.

There is plenty of farm work available in Britain, and this always used to be carried out by local people residing near farms. But in recent years, many farmers in some parts of Britain have taken to discriminating against British people and employing exclusively eastern European workers. This is not only unfair, but is indeed racial discrimination, and is equal to the attitude of so many private sector employers in British factories, who actively recruit only eastern European workers, even those who cannot speak a word of English.

This Is Our Garden
When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the Garden of Eden to live in. At that time Adam and his wife Eve did not need to work the Garden, as the fruit came forth spontaneously and in abundance. Then God sent the first man and woman from the Garden of Eden and told them they must work in order to obtain fruit from the soil.

This is why community farms are an important factor in British Party ideals, as people should not lose contact with the countryside and the necessity to work the soil to obtain food. Everywhere in the world people should be able to say of their own land: “this is our garden, we work on our land and enjoy the fruits of our labour”.

It is so important for a country not to discriminate against its own people by excluding them from participating in the joys and duties of life, as if their own land were foreign to them and did not accept them.

British Party is adverse to racial discrimination and campaigns for the rights of British people to find work on British farms and in Britain’s factories without being excluded out of principle on account of our being British.

British Party Founding Declaration:

Written by D. Alexander

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